Category: Travel Tips and Recommendations

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Travelers' Choice Awards

Check Out our Two 2022 Travelers’ Choice Awards resorts!

ATELIER Playa Mujeres and ÓLEO Cancun Playa have been ranked at the 2022 Travelers’ Choice Awards as the best hotels in Mexico thanks to hundreds of Tripadvisor users. Our resorts are now among the top 10% of establishments on the platform with the highest approval rating and positive comments from all guests who have visited...

Top 10 Places to Explore Cancun Like a Pro

Top 10 Places to Explore Cancun Like a Pro

Ready to explore Cancun? These Mayan ruins, beaches, shopping areas, restaurants, parks, and locations are the 10 best places for your Mexican Caribbean vacation! With crystal clear turquoise-blue beaches, adrenaline-packed parks, ancient Mayan ruins, high-end shopping malls, authentic and delicious restaurants, educational tours, and hidden locations that are the perfect spots for those Instagram posts,...

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Romantic Cancun Getaway

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Romantic Cancun Getaway

Valentine’s Day is definitely one of the most important reminders for couples to take the time to appreciate the happiness and fulfillment that they bring to each other’s lives. Is there a better way to say ‘I love you,’ aside from an exciting trip to the Mexican Caribbean? Come see why the best way to...

Traveling Safe with Shielded Vacations

Traveling Safe with Shielded Vacations

Does taking a trip during the pandemic have you worried? Although it is important to take certain precautionary measures when traveling and leaving home nowadays due to the problems and concerns related to Covid-19, this is why ATELIER de Hoteles has developed the Shielded Vacations Program to assure you peaace of mind and safety while...

Viva Mexico! The Mexican Independence Day Celebration in Cancun - Playa Mujeres

Viva Mexico! The Mexican Independence Day Celebration

Does September 16th ring a bell? Well, it should, because it is Mexican Independence Day! Lucky for you, it is also right around the corner…so maybe this will motivate you to come on down and join us for an authentic and inspiring Mexican celebration. Now, before you come to sip on Mexican beer and scarf...